Typically, there are 3 needs or reasons why coworking works well for professionals:
- Flex/Open Space Professionals. This could be anyone in any field who needs space on any given day. Their needs are usually short term and scattered. They only occasionally need a place to meet clients. This group can consist of real estate brokers, event planners, sales reps, school teachers, etc.
- Work from Home Professionals. Again, anyone from any field (attorneys, engineers, IT, sales, etc.) but typically, they are looking for space to assist them in separating their work life from their private/family life. They need flexible plans that afford them amenities like Wi-Fi, mail, fax, printer, and entry access. These professionals may need a remote office to bring clients to.
- Entrepreneurs. Again, these could be professional teams working on projects, or consultants, IT, web designers, or not for profit start-ups. They work on the go and frequently are out and about spreading the word and meeting clients in an attempt to grow and spread business recognition. These professionals are visionaries and long-term lease holders that may require community and collaboration for the growth of their company.